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Historic paper store in Firenze since 1890

Paper from 1890

Borgo degli Albizi 86r -50122 Firenze
Tel. 055-2340726 -
P.iva 00393310487


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Who We Are

The history of the store of paper and cardboard Marzotto began in 1890, when Antonio Marzotto, a noble from the province of treviso, founded the business of manufacturing paper mill on the ground floor of the splendid renaissance palazzo Ramirez de Montalvo. The activity, passed in 1961 at the florentine Donato Cubattoli, is still conducted by his son Andrea and Barbara Baravelli who still pass on the beautiful art of paper making and paperboard in the full respect of local tradition.
Today as in the past by Marzotto you can find the cards classic florentine, a refined artisan product with which they are created original and precious products such as albums for photographs, cards, notebooks and many other products for a gift of quality and refinement.
The furnishings and the setting of the sixteenth-century of the times, make Marzotto a shop unique and of immense beauty where to find great variety and quality of paper work to hand as a time.
